Face, Bite, and Airway Correction
16 Nov 2016
Primary Diagnoses
Patient with maxillary hypoplasia asymmetry, mandibular asymmetry hiperpasia, inferior border chin deviation, nasal deviation, left temporomandibular disorder. Angle Class III maloclusion.
Orthognathic surgical treatment
- Maxillary Le Fort I osteotomy, 2-piece advancement
- Mandibular bilateral saggital-split osteotomy setback
- Inferior body osteotomy, genioplasty, correction
- Bone grafting to maxilla Inferior turbinectomy
- Septoplasty and turbinoplasty
- Cheek implants malar augmentation
Orthognathic Surgery Results
- Upper Jaw Forward
- Lower Jaw back
- Chin reduction and lower jaw recontouring
- Airway and Bite Correction
- Cheek implants midface augmentation